Food Sovereignty

Food Sovereignty

Presenter: Robina McCurdy

Learn how a multi-faceted approach to localising food can get you out of supermarkets – forever! Find out how to counteract the decline in seed varieties and the rise of corporate control over our food and seeds. Discover how permaculture and community development methods applied to bioregional food resilience can recharge local economies.

My comprehensive mindmap framework of food sovereignty themes, each with practical application and great examples happening around Aotearoa, should ignite participants passion for this resilient way-of-life. The intention is for participants to become empowered as food sovereignty activists, armed with strategies to implement what they learned in the workshop within their local areas. Also to be inspired to network with some of the successful examples shared in the presentation.

Presenter Bio:

For the past 35 years, Robina has worked internationally and nationally as an community development facilitator, Permaculture educator/designer and gardening teacher, evolving her own methodology and accompanying educational resource materials. She has worked with village-scale food security in Southern Africa, was the co-ordinator of Victory Community Gardens in Nelson, and a consultant-educator with Project Lyttelton’s ‘Food Resilience Project’ post-earthquake. In mid 2012 Robina established The Localising Food Project, which toured NZ filming a plethora of inspiring local food initiatives, in parallel with teaching workshops on local food action planning, home garden design, public food forests and seed sovereignty. To discover more about this work and view the documentaries, visit

During the last 2 years Robina taught this topic in Sustainable Living Courses in Golden Bay. Also at workshops at Luminate Festival at Convergence gathering in Canterbury and Voices of the Sacred Earth Festival in Auckland and Evolve Festival in Nelson.

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